


For those who thought the last post had suicidal undertones... eff you guys. Can't even get retrospective on this here blog without people calling my number to make sure I'm not standing on the ledge wanting to end my life. Chill.

I'm going to eat some bacon.


Third Period Crunch

Third year is over. The boys are gone, British Literature II is over, 4th- year journalism is looming, relationships are waning and waxing and waning and waxing, friendships are breaking and building (though building on the wrong foundations,) and God is distant and there has never been more unrest in my head.

Hopefully I can empty it through music, poetry, and more writing. I haven't written for the sake of writing in so, so long. I feel like that servant who didn't make good use of his talents and got thrown into the fire of suffering and epic suckiness. I need to get my shit together and realize why I even live this thing called life.


Things learned from April 24, 2010

"The question is profound and you don't know how profound the question is until you attempt to answer it." - Marcus Jameel


Current Musical Gold: Installment 7

"I like music. It defines life, love, and everything in between. I also happen to have an abnormally ridiculous amount of music in my possession, most of which I listen to very very rarely because I have a tendency to overplay. As in, overkill. As in, when I'm feeling a song I will play that tuneage over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until I am either sick of it, or it is inducted into my special itunes playlist simply titled LEGENDARY. Many songs have come and gone; only the chosen few have made it to LEGENDARY status. Every so often, because I like to share music that is good, I will post the tracks that I am feeling at the moment - the ones that are on trial to make it to LEGENDARY. Hopefully in this manner, you, my readers, will be able to expose yourself to a broader variety of good music. And who knows - maybe it'll even make your LEGENDARY."


Current Musical Gold: Installment 7 (in no particular order)
1. Heart Of My Own - Basia Bulat
2. One Minute - The Album Leaf
3. I Was Stabbed By Satan - K'Naan
4. Broken Wings - Tupac
5. Red Eyes - Switchfoot
6. Struggle - Vanessa Chiu
7. Under My Bed - Meiko
8. Bullet - Mat Kearney
9. Aish Tamid - Matisyahu




...are trouble. Especially at this time of year. I have exams to study for, smh.

I wish they would all go away.


The Best Cracker Ever

Apparently these are better than Ritz. Any confirmations/objections?